Dragon Ball Super: New project for the cult franchise confirmed

Dragon Ball Super Neues Projekt bestätigt

It’s only been running for about two weeks Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero in the Japanese cinemas, because those responsible behind the cult franchise are already doing it the look towards the future. In a recent interview it was confirmed that already a new project to the brand is in progress.

Nature of the new Dragon Ball Super project still unknown

Said interview appeared in the latest issue of the Japanese V-Jump Magazinein which a new chapter of the monthly Dragon Ball Super Manga is published. In it expressed Akio Iyokuthe boss of Dragon Ball Room on the future of IP and the new production just mentioned. His statements were translated into English by Twitter users @DbsHype.

Iyoku first says that Japan is into the franchise about Goku and his friends “very proud”which is why on the creators of the new anime movie a great deal of responsibility have charged. In addition, the work is not only for a local, but rather a international audience been made.

When asked what’s next for Dragon Ball Super, Iyoku replied that a new offshoot of the brand “already in progress” be. Finally he adds, Mangaka Akira Toriyama, the creator of the iconic brandwork “After all, constantly working on new DB concepts and ideas. We are all thinking about what to show the world next.”

However, it is still unclear at the moment what kind of project this is exactly what it is. would be conceivable another anime movie, which will continue the events of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Furthermore, one would also be possible Continuation of the anime seriesabout which there have been repeated rumors in recent years. A new manga arc has already been confirmed.

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In Germany, “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero” starts as part of the Crunchyroll Anime Nights in August 2022. However, an exact start date is not yet known.
