Moon Knight: These cameos almost made it into the series

Moon Knight: These cameos almost made it into the series

It’s been a month and a half since the finale of Moon Knight: The Marvel Series All Around Steven Grant respectively Marc Spector brought an unexpected hero to the TV screen for many, but was able to captivate many viewers. There shouldn’t be a second season anyway, with its six episodes the mini-series remains self-contained.

Moon Knight but was a unique experience for another reason Marvel Cinematic Universe: There wasn’t a single cameo from another hero, no crossover with Spider-Man, the Avengers or Doctor Strange. In an interview with Discussing movie chief author Jeremy Slater now reveals why the decision was made to do so.

Which characters from the Marvel Universe could have appeared in Moon Knight?

Because in fact it was originally planned differently and you definitely have one or the other cameo thought: “There were definitely times in the writing process where we talked about cameos because they’re one of the most fun things to discuss in the writers’ room. What happens when we bring Chris Evans back as old Captain America? You know, you’re sitting there and play the ‘what if’ game with the other writers.”

“The only two we seriously discussed? Dane Whitman from Eternals, of course, because Steven Grant was working at the same museum at the time. But there was never a logical reason for having him on the series. As a Marvel fan would be I would have been frustrated if Dane showed up for a cameo and that didn’t advance the story or give us a teaser for the Black Knight.”

“Then we also talked about bringing in the Eternals, especially Kingo and Makkari. We originally planned to show the sinking of Ammit and the death of Alexander the Great in a flashback scene and that seemed like an opportune moment to do that To let Eternals emerge naturally.”

Why weren’t there any MCU cameos in Moon Knight?

Ultimately, neither Dane Whitman nor the Eternals got an appearance on Moon Knight. Slater gives two main reasons for this decision: “Kevin [Feige] came up to us and said, ‘You know what, boys? I know everyone loves the cameos. Everyone is happy about it. But I really think your story is standing on its own right now.’ So it felt like we were cramming an unnecessary cameo into the series.”