Scarface: The World is Yours: Gameplay footage from canceled sequel revealed

Scarface: The World is Yours: Gameplay footage from canceled sequel revealed

An insider recently gave a glimpse of how the long-forgotten sequel to Scarface: The World is Yours (from 24.99€ at buy) should have looked like. He also gave reasons for dropping the franchise.

Although the title received mostly positive feedback in 2006, Scarface: The World Is Yours was the first and last in a promising series. In terms of the story, the game started exactly where the legendary film about Tony Montana ends: after the final scene in which the villa of the main protagonist is attacked by the killers dispatched by Alejandro Sosa. And the course was actually set for a successful sequel. However, we are only now finding out why it never reached the store shelves and what it would have looked like – almost 20 years later.

Scarface 2: The reason for the cancellation of the sequel

Although the stars were aligned for the second part, it just wasn’t to be:

Recently launched a YouTube channel named Mafia Game Videos light into the dark. The main reason for the termination was the takeover of the developer Radical Entertainment by Activision.

According to the source Activision didn’t have anything against the brand, but at that time they were more concerned with other open-world titles. For this reason, Scarface 2 did not really catch the publisher’s interest, which meant that the game had to be dropped. According to his own statement, the man behind Mafia Game Videos was one of the two main developers and with the decision lost several years of time that he had spent producing the game.

Scarface 2 could have looked so beautiful

In early May, the developer shared images of the sequel on Twitter. The images show a sprawling desert landscape as well as the city of Las Vegas, where Scarface 2 should have been set.

Unfortunately, we have to settle for the gameplay footage that Mafia Game Videos recently released. We only get a rough idea of ​​the possible plot: Tony Montana was expelled from Miami and is now in Las Vegas in search of happiness. Unfortunately, the local casino warlords are not at all enthusiastic about his plan to bring cocaine to the players, which is why a heated cartel war ultimately develops. The featured scenes from Scarface 2 look really good considering the game should have been released in 2008…