Valorant: Riot Games will be listening to your voice chat soon

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Like some other major game developers, Riot Games wants to address toxicity in their games. For example, the company has already deactivated the all-chat in its Moba League of Legends, now the shooter Valorant should be regulated a little more.

Valorant’s voice chat is to be reviewed

Unlike League of Legends, Valorant has built-in voice chat, which is generally used more than text chat. Like Riot Games in one new blog post explainedthe game’s voice chat will be reviewed in the future to punish toxic behavior.

“As part of a larger effort to combat disruptive behavior, Riot Games recently updated its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to allow us to record and evaluate in-game voice communications when a report of this type of behavior is submitted – with a goal of doing so first in to start Valorant.”

Riot Games states that they will not actively listen to your in-game conversations, but will only review the recorded data once a player is reported for any misconduct. The system is scheduled to be tested in North America starting July 13th. At this point in time, however, no locks or the like are issued, but the technology behind it is checked and brought up to an appropriate level so that it can serve its purpose in a future beta.

“We know that before we can even think about expanding this tool, we need to be sure it’s effective. Should mistakes happen, we have systems in place to ensure we correct false positives (or negatives for that matter). This is brand new technology and there will certainly be growing pains. But the promise of a safe environment for everyone who chooses to play the game is worth it.”