Are Haunted Chocolatier and Stardew Valley connected?

Haunted Chocolatier - erste Bilder

On too many connections between the perennial favourite Stardew Valley and the highly anticipated new indie hit Haunted Chocolatier we must hope not. But. And that’s a big but.

There will probably be some kind of connection between the two games. But what does this look like in the end?

Do Haunted Chocolatier and Stardew Valley play in the same world?

Eric Barone, ConcernedApe’s real name, now comments on a possible connection between his games via Twitter.

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He officially confirms that it is give a connection becomes. But in the same breath he declares that he is still not sure how profound this will fail in the end.

So at this point in time, we can’t say exactly how these two games form a unit. Maybe it’s just small ones Easter Eggs in Haunted Chocolatier? Or Barone decides who to connect worlds togethercreating a franchise?

What do you think such a connection could look like? Let us share your thoughts and write your idea in the comments!

Stardew Valley soon to be a festival for modders?

in the Twitter update By the way, we learn a lot about “Stardew Valley” from the developer, which will probably be further optimized in the future.

He explains that Stardew Valley more updates in the future receives the the focus on modding lay. This means that modders will find it easier to work with the game or to tinker around with it in the future. In this respect, a game can be very accessible or just the complete opposite.

He also reveals that it new content there will be, but these “will not be particularly large”. What is he planning here? It remains exciting around “Stardew Valley”.

Here you can learn more about that new game from ConcernedApe.