The next participant has been decided – ex-soldier wants to know

7 vs. Wild Season 2: Ex-soldier and YouTuber Otto Karasch fights for victory.

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Of: Robin Dittrich

7 vs Wild Season 1 was a resounding success. Each episode was clicked at least three million times. For Season 2, the penultimate participant has now been determined.

Sweden – The YouTube series 7 vs. Wild had a huge success with its first season. The survival series created by Fritz Meinecke is about seven participants having to survive in the wilderness for several days. They only have a handful of tools and equipment they have brought with them. And now Season 2 of this hit YouTube show is about to start. After the loss of marine biologist Robert Marc Lehmann, his replacement is now also known: the YouTuber and ex-soldier Ottogerd Karasch aka Bulletproof Entrepreneur.

title 7 vs Wild
episodes 16
producer Fritz Meineke
genre YouTube web series
format Survival challenge, bushcraft, wilderness
Newest contestant season 2 Ottogerd Karasch
Subscribers on YouTube 62,100 (as of July 2022)

7 vs. Wild Season 2: Ex-soldier Bulletproof Entrepreneur moves up – as a new favorite?

Otto Karasch says: After Robert Marc Lehmann’s cancellation for 7 vs. Wild season 2, ex-soldier Ottogerd Karasch can prove his survival skills. The Bulletproof Entrepreneur announced this personally on his YouTube channel. “I’m allowed to be part of Season 2, which is a huge honor – I’m so happy.” During Season 1, he was already thinking about how he “would go about it.” At that time, founder Fritz-Meinecke himself won, in 7th place vs. Wild Season 2, Bundeswehr soldier “Otto” can certainly compete with him.

Did he expect to participate? In his YouTube video for “7 vs. Wild Season 2” participation, 49-year-old Otto Karasch says that he followed the participants’ commitments very closely. It struck him that Robert Marc Lehmann hesitated for a long time. At that time, Karasch was already in contact with the marine biologist. Ever since Fritz Meinecke called to participate, the Bulletproof Entrepreneur has been hyped. Since then he has been thinking: “What do I need to refresh again: improve animals, plants, fishing stories.”

7 vs. Wild Season 2: Ex-soldier and YouTuber Otto Karasch fights for victory.
7 vs. Wild Season 2: Ex-soldier and YouTuber Otto Karasch fights for victory. © YouTube: Bulletproof entrepreneur/Fritz Meinecke

Is he one of the favourites? Otto Karasch has a big advantage over some other participants: he has already gained experience in the field of survival in his life. “I’ve already done jungle: Venezuela and Brazil – but not alone.” In his most successful YouTube video told Karasch, which he would have done differently from the contestants in Season 1. Based on his previous experience as a survival expert and what he shows on his YouTube channel, the Bulletproof Entrepreneur should be one of the favorites of 7 vs. Wild Season 2 – despite being the oldest participant at almost 50 years old.

7 vs. Wild Season 2: Six candidates have been determined – one wild card is still missing

These candidates are: In addition to the active reservist and reserve officer candidate Ottogerd Karasch, five other participants for 7 vs. Wild Season 2 have already been determined. Inventor and winner of the first season, Fritz Meinecke, will also participate again. The most prominent “7 vs. Wild” participant is probably Twitch superstar Jens “Knossi” Knossalla. After split opinions about his arrival, Meinecke took Knossi under his protection. The other contenders for the win are “Sabrina Outdoor” Camlott, YouTube star Sascha Huber and Antonia “Starletnova” – plus a wildcard winner.

When and where is the event? Who will receive the wildcard for 7 vs. Wild Season 2 is not yet certain – as is the location. The first season took place in Sweden, season 2 is set to take place on a tropical island. The survival experiment will be carried out in August and September, the publication on YouTube is only planned for November and December 2022. Until then, new participant Otto Karasch is looking forward to new information. Before the start, he wants to refresh his knowledge and experience again in order to emerge as the winner of 7 vs. Wild Season 2 – he always has the chance to do so.