WoW: Boost groups get their own “trade” channel

WoW: Shadowlands Season 4 starts on August 3 (1)

from Philip Sattler
For most players, boost groups in WoW aren’t inherently a bad thing. The intrusive advertising of these groups is what really annoys most heroes in Azeroth. And since Blizzard still doesn’t ban Boost groups outright, they’re now giving them their own “Trade” channel.

The countless boost groups in WoW are a thorn in the side of many players. But not necessarily, because of the services they offer. It is much more the advertising of those groups that is perceived as annoying. For years, the boosting community flooded all capital city chats with one ad after another. Every second, the “WTS Kill XY – all Loot just for you!” offers rattled through the two-person chat. And the official group search tool was stuffed to the brim with such offers. Both are now banned, which has certainly reduced the problem. Nevertheless, you see countless spams in the chat and in the tool day in and day out.

But that could soon be over. Because instead of trying to contain the plague with all their might, the developers are now creating a protected area in which it can unfold.