Bioware: Will new Mass Effect be more like Guardians of the Galaxy?

Bioware almost made an MMORPG instead of Baldur's Gate

from Matthias Brueckle
Many Guardians of the Galaxy players had compared the character dynamics and compelling storyline to Bioware and Mass Effect. The people at Bioware probably heard that too – and now promptly grabbed the mastermind behind the GotG narrative.

Studio Bioware has hired Mary DeMarle, the author of the games Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the surprise hit Guardians of the Galaxy. The latter was even able to secure the Game Award for “Best Narrative”. This information comes from DeMarle’s LinkedIn profile, where she writes: “I’m excited to announce that I’m starting a new position as Senior Narrative Director at EA/Bioware!” It is not yet known which game she will work on first. However, her sci-fi experience gives hope for participation in the upcoming Mass Effect.

More on the subject: We count Guardians of the Galaxy among our 2021 highlights!