Pokémon Go: Venusaur guide – 15 counters to the raid boss with a shiny chance


Pokemon Go’s Tier 3 Raids are full of high-ranking visitors, Bisaflor can be fought and defeated! By the way, the shiny hunters among you can also be happy, because with luck, the pocket monster of the first generation will appear in its dazzling variant if you have defeated it as a raid boss!

Bisaflor can be also to Mega Venusaur develop and can therefore be a good choice for other raids. However, you should keep in mind that Bisaflor is not an easy raid! It’s best to read below which attackers are best suited and let’s get started!

Venusaur as a raid boss

Venusaur is Plant and Poison type. So it has four simple weaknesses in total: Flight (boosted when it’s windy), Fire (boosted when it’s sunny or clear), Psychic (boosted when it’s windy), and Ice (boosted when it’s snowing). Accordingly, you have a relatively large selection of strong attackers at your disposal! If you have carefully selected your team, you can already go into battle; Bisaflor faces you with 37,259 CP and is already a bit more difficult to bring down. So get together in a small group of Pokémon Go players and give it your all! Below are the best attackers against Venusaur!

  • Flampivian with Fire Tooth and Heat Fever
  • meta gross with zen headbutt and psychokinesis
  • skeleton with fire wheel and heat koller
  • Blair with fire wheel and tan cannonade
  • Psiana with confusion and psychokinesis
  • Kramshef with beak and sky sweeper
  • Charizard with fire wheel and tan cannonade
  • Galar-Flampivian with ice tooth and avalanche
  • flamara with fire wheel and heat koller
  • Flambirex with embers and blaze cannonade
  • Simsala with confusion and psychokinesis
  • kokowei with special sensor and psychokinesis
  • fennexis with pinwheel and psychokinesis
  • Staraptor with wing flapping and nosedive
  • Panferno with fire wheel and tan cannonade
