WoW: Alliance Hall of Fame full! Or was it tricked again?

WoW: Unexpected Discoveries in WotLK Classic Beta

from Sebastian Glanzer
In WoW: Shadowlands, 100 alliance guilds have managed to defeat the dungeon master in mythical mode and enter the Hall of Fame. In terms of gameplay, this no longer makes a difference for Crossrealm raids, but titles and heroic deeds retain their prestige. However, there are again doubts as to whether everything was right in the last placements.

The Alliance Hall of Fame for the Mausoleum of the First closes in Europe with the next ID reset on July 6th, 2022. 100 alliance guilds managed to take down the Jailer in Mythic mode. Alliance guilds have only a little time left for the heroic deed Hall of Fame: The Jailer (Alliance) and the title Glorious Slayer of the Exile to secure, which can still be earned in this ID.

As in the previous raid tiers, however, there is some skepticism in the community. The bottom 10 places again include many Oceanic guilds (9/10 to be exact). It cannot be ruled out that this could again be a boosting campaign. We remember: In the Mythic progression in Castle Nathria, the top guilds from Asia helped and transferred characters to other guilds in order to hoist them into the Hall of Fame. This boost caught the eye and, although the Hall of Fame was already full, resulted in a retrospective yet again Kicked 16 Alliance guilds from the Hall of Fame and places became free again.

Hall of Fame only prestige

However, the last placements of the alliance guilds in the Hall of Fame do not have any real impact on the raid process. The mechanic that mythical raids can only be played across servers once both Halls of Fame (Horde and Alliance) have been completed already leveraged at the end of May of this year.