WoW: Dragonflight: Caller Abilities & Talents – Ravager & Warden

WoW Dragonflight: Temple of the Jade Serpent &  Court of Stars returns as Mythic Plus dungeons

When WoW: Dragonflight appears on the live servers at the end of 2022, players can look forward to a new class and a new people that are firmly connected. The Dracthyr Caller will strengthen the ranks of healers and damage dealers, relying on the spells of the dragonflights. While red and blue are for damage spells, bronze and green are for healing. Black, on the other hand, is responsible for strengthening some of the spells with the new charging mechanic.

The division is quite clear. Red spells mostly deal area damage, blue ones more single target damage. Green spells are classic heals and bronze ones play over time and heal based on damage previously taken. In addition, the Drakthyr Caller has a number of useful talents and abilities for all occasions. What seems extremely powerful at first glance is put into perspective a little by the fact that you often have to choose between the skills due to the talent tree. So the jack of all trades has to decide whether she prefers to lay eggs and donate wool – but both are possible.