Pokémon Gold/Silver has a sham tree trick that we wish we’d seen 23 years ago

We can only marvel that the trick was only discovered after 23 years.

We can only marvel that the trick was only discovered after 23 years.

We can only marvel that the trick was only discovered after 23 years.

The rock Pokémon Cheat Tree has existed since the second generation of the Pokémon Gold/Silver game and makes life difficult for trainers. It has been blocking the way on Route 36 for 23 years now and can be awakened with a squirtle can.

A Pokémon fan has now shared a trick that not everyone of us might know, but actually seems quite logical. We can get rid of Sham Tree without defeating or catching it. User Kamehamehachoo shares a short clip on Reddit.

Drive out the sham tree in gold/silver

For the alternative, we still need the Squirtle Can to wake up Sham Tree and provoke the fight. But instead of facing us in battle, the Whirlwind flying attack can also be used. While the attack on us would cause our active Pokémon to switch with one of our team, if we used it, it would blow the opposing Pokémon away and end the battle.

Special Departure: It’s no different with Mogelbaum. While it’s a special Pokémon in Gold & Silver, it won’t persist until we defeat or catch it. Instead, there is even a funny animation in which the deceptive tree hops away. Thus, the path of Route 36 is cleared again and we can continue our adventure.

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The big disadvantage: Because Cheat Tree flees from battle, the Pokémon can no longer be caught. In Pokemon Gold & Silver, this is the only chance to get Cheat Tree. So we should think twice before using the trick.

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Pokemon Sham Tree gone astray

The thread creator explains how he came up with this trick. In his childhood, he used the Metronome move with Togepi, which spawns another random attack. In his case, the attack Metronome became Whirlwind, with which his Togepi blew away the opposing Cheat Tree.

In the comments, some users write that the animation of the deceptive tree jumping away also plays when we escape from the fight.

By the way: Unfortunately, the animation is not available in the remakes HeartGold & SoulSilver. User Jack_Zicrosky_YT shows in a clip that sham tree without them disappears when attacked by Whirlwind.

What tricks do you know from the Pokémon games?
