Slow Death Because of GTA 6: Community “funeral” for Red Dead Online

Slow Death Because of GTA 6: Community "funeral" for Red Dead Online

from Rhonda Bachman
Rockstar recently announced it would no longer be releasing major thematic content updates for Red Dead Online. The resources should rather be put into GTA 6. RDO players, who were already declaring the death of the multiplayer title before it was announced, recently held a “funeral” for the title.

Red Dead Online players are currently mourning the loss of the Wild West online mode. Rockstar recently announced that it no longer wants to release major thematic content updates for RDO. Instead, it would rather build on the already existing modes. The battered community now buried the game ingame.

Players wear mourning and show themselves on social networks

Rockstar justified the step by saying that they wanted to put the existing resources into GTA 6. The studio understood “more than ever” that it was necessary to “exceed” player expectations for GTA 6. The next installment in the Grand Theft Auto series aims to be the best “possible,” Rockstar wrote in a blog post. However, there should be no restrictions on the multiplayer mode of GTA 5 – GTA Online.

Red Dead Online players understandably didn’t take the news well. A day before Rockstar announced it, the Red Dead News fan channel announced the death of the mode via Twitter. An in-game “funeral” was then scheduled for July 13. On the same date, RDO received its last content update. Players should dress in black in the game and share pictures of it on social media.

In the course of yesterday, some users followed the call. They dressed their RDO characters in black and gathered with like-minded people in the game’s numerous graveyards. They posted pictures of it on the internet. The hashtags Red Dead Online, RedDeadFuneral and Red Dead Redemption 2 started trending on Twitter.

Source: Eurogamer