Google Assistant Settings You Should Know

We'll tell you 7 practical settings for the Google Assistant.

Google Assistant is constantly evolving and offers many more settings and features than you might think. We’ll tell you how to change the Assistant’s voice, how to control Spotify or Netflix, or how to create reminders.

Here’s how you can change the Google Assistant settings 1. Let yourself be addressed by your name 2. Give the Assistant a different voice 3. Activate Google Assistant on the lock screen 4. Don’t say “Hey Google” 5. Create routines to Organize your day 6. Control Netflix or Spotify with Google Assistant 7. Use app shortcuts How to change Google Assistant settings

The Google Assistant settings menu is reasonably well hidden on newer devices running Android 12.

First open the “Settings” and select the submenu “Google” Scroll down and tap on the field “Settings for Google apps” Then select the item “Google search, Google Assistant and voice input”

fullscreen The Google Assistant settings are hidden deep within the Settings app. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022 Now tap on the “Google Assistant” entry to get to the settings menu fullscreen As soon as you have found the menu, the numerous settings are available. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022

The settings for the Google Assistant are very extensive. That is why we would like to introduce you to some of the most useful functions for the voice assistant below.

1. Let yourself be addressed by your name

Did you know that the Google Assistant can address you by your name? All you have to do is tell him who you are. You can do this in the Google Assistant settings under “Alias”.

fullscreen In the menu you can tell Google Assistant your name. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022

Here you can type in your name or nickname and then listen to how Google Assistant pronounces it. If you’re not satisfied with the pronunciation, you can use the on-screen keyboard to spell your name the way you want it spoken.

2. Give the Assistant a different voice

In the standard setup, the Google Assistant usually uses a female voice. You can also switch to a male voice if you prefer. To do this, simply tap on “Assistant Voice & Sounds” in the Google Assistant settings and then select the voice that suits you best.

fullscreen Currently you can choose between a female and a male voice. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022 3. Activate Google Assistant on the lock screen

If you wish, you can also use Google Assistant when the smartphone is still locked. You can also find the option for this in the Google Assistant settings under the menu item “Lock screen”. Simply activate the corresponding slider to also use the assistant on the lock screen in the future.

fullscreen With this setting you can also use the Assistant on the lock screen. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022 4. Don’t say “Hey Google”

Normally, you always have to use the salutation “Hey Google” for the Assistant to respond to your voice. However, you can also set the software so that you can do without the speech in some situations.

When accepting and rejecting calls When alarm clocks and timers ring fullscreen In certain situations you can open "hey google" waive. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022

To use this feature, select the sub-item “Direct commands” in the Google Assistant settings and activate the corresponding sliders.

5. Create routines to organize your day

Google Assistant can also help you keep track of your daily routine. This allows you to create routines that are started using specific voice commands.

An example is a morning routine that ensures that the Assistant presents you with the weather report, your appointments for the day, important reminders and also informs you about upcoming birthdays of friends or colleagues.

fullscreen With processes you can teach Google Assistant certain routines. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022

You can use the “Procedures” menu item in the Google Assistant settings to create such complex routines and link them to a specific voice command. If you say to the Google Assistant in the morning: “Hey Google, good morning!”, the routine just mentioned will start automatically.

6. Control Netflix or Spotify with Google Assistant

It is practical that you can also link third-party services such as Spotify, Deezer or Apple Music to the Google Assistant and then control them using voice commands. You can find the option for this in the Google Assistant settings under “Music”. The compatible music services that you have installed on your device are automatically listed there.

fullscreen Under Music you can link services like Spotify or Deezer. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022

The same also works with many video services such as Netflix or Disney+. To do this, select the “Videos” submenu in the Google Assistant settings.

fullscreen Video services such as Netflix or Disney+ can also be coupled with the assistant. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022 7. Use app shortcuts

You can also use the Assistant to run shortcuts in other third-party apps. You can use the “Shortcuts” menu item in the Google Assistant settings to assign individual voice commands to specific actions in apps. For example, you can specify that the appropriate WhatsApp chat with this person is automatically started when a contact name is mentioned.

fullscreen You can define shortcuts for many third-party apps. Image: © Google/ Screenshot: TURN ON 2022