Steam Blind Date: Demons Happened video

Steam Blind Date: Demons Happened video


Without any prior knowledge, Hagen snagged a new Steam release that flies far, far under the radar. In Demons Happened he dies every second, screams and still has a lot of fun.

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If you click on “new and hip” on Steam, you get just that: an algorithmically pre-sorted small intersection of all the big and small games that shoot up like mushrooms in Valve’s game store every day. Hagen dug deeper on 7/25/2022 and of all the new releases on that day, stood out Demons Happened out for him.

In Demons Happened, the player slips into the ectoplasm of a ghost who is really just looking for a wizard to fix his TV reception. However, when he levitates out of his apartment, he soon finds that his world has suddenly seen an enormous increase in aggressive demons and laser traps. One hit is enough to kill you (do ghosts even die?), but luckily the character can turn into demons and use their powers against enemies. This plays out like a mixture in its sometimes over-the-top hectic, sometimes enigmatic and methodical way Great meat boy and Hotline Miamiwith body stealing mechanics similar to Messiah or agony or Lost Ember.

According to the developer, Delusional Scrapyard has been working on their debut title for six years. Can Demons Happened now conquer Hagen in blind date?