Overwatch 2: Blizzard explores how much players would pay for skins

The release of Overwatch 2 gets closer. On October 4th the time has come and the hero shooter takes the place of its predecessor over watch. It has been known for a long time that with the release also on Free 2 Play model is switched. You had to buy the first part regularly.

To those who are heavily criticized Loot boxes from the predecessor you will also do without, but there is a Battle Pass and a shop for cosmetic items. A poll by developers blizzard is now causing a stir because it aims directly at finding out How much money players for individual skins would take in hand.

Overwatch 2: $45 for a skin?

Twitter user porter gauge has excerpts of one in a post opinion poll shared that a friend of his attended. Questions were also asked there that were directly related to the pricing connected and making fans expect the worst.

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Here are the Pricesthat the survey asked about:

  • Mythic skin: $44.99
  • Legendary skin bundle (includes Weapon Fob, Player Icon, Victory Pose, Voice Line, Name Card and Spray): $29.99
  • Legendary skin: $24.99
  • Emote highlight intro souvenir: $19.99
  • gun pendant: $9.99
  • 3 sprays in a package: $4.99

Especially the question about that Mythic Skin for $44.99 angers fans. After all, you can get whole games for this price and not just a special costume in a single game. Especially after the release of Diablo Immortal stands blizzard on thin ice with his following, especially on the subject microtransactions.

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Blizzard denies

The known side kotaku asked the developer studio and got the following answer:

“This survey is solely for the purpose of better understanding player preferences for different types of Overwatch 2 cosmetics […] The prices shown in the survey were randomly selected per user and are not indicative of the final prices. We plan to release details on our Shop and Battle Pass system closer to our October 4th release.”

So it’s only part of the survey and other players seem to get other prices displayed. Still busy blizzard intensively with it and at least explores which options the monetization exist. If the above prices weren’t at least possible, the studio certainly wouldn’t be asking for them. Should be the aim of the survey, an opinion of playership at the stated prices, this falls pretty clear out.

What do you think about that? Do you think the price is excessive or okay? Let us know in the comments!
