Now stream One Piece Nebulandia for free in full length

one piece is one of the anime series that has been flickering across our televisions for what feels like an eternity. For over 20 years there has been a series based on the stories of mangaka Eiichiro Oda based and from Toei animation is produced. In Germany you can still watch the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates ProSieben MAXX look at. From Monday to Friday you will be presented with three new episodes every day.

In addition, ProSieben MAXX also offers streamed episodes online. This is how you can now watch the TV special Nebulandia stream free and legal.

Stream One Piece: Nebulandia on ProSieben MAXX now

Adventures on Nebulandia is a feature-length TV special of the anime. The special episode was broadcast in German on July 29, 2022 on ProSieben MAXX. If you missed it, you can check it out Episode also streamed on the TV station’s website watch for free.

What is the episode about?

In the special, the Straw Hat Pirates battle Foxy again, who challenges them for revenge after losing the recent Davy Back Fight. With a few new crew members in the bag, Foxy is hoping for victory, but these new characters have their own plans for the rubber man captain and his crew.

one pieceOne Piece: Filler confirmed in preparation for One Piece Film Red, these episodes are affected

The pirate anime is also coming to cinemas soon

You can still see the straw hat gang in the cinema later this year. Director Goro Taniguchi brings the movie One Piece Film Red to the big screen. The premiere in Japan is on August 6 – fans in Germany and Austria will have to wait until October 2022. The film is then available both in the Japanese original language with subtitles as well as in the German dubbed version to see.

Manga creator Eiichiro Oda has served as general producer and developed an all-new character for the film: Diva Uta.