LOTTO 6aus49: multi-week ticket brings in 1.1 million euros

LOTTO 6aus49: multi-week ticket brings in 1.1 million euros

A WestLotto customer from the Wuppertal area came second in last Wednesday’s draw and won EUR 1.1 million.

The jackpot at LOTTO 6aus49 stopped last Wednesday. Nevertheless, there is a new millionaire: With the numbers 5, 11, 13, 21, 40 and 43, the lucky guy from North Rhine-Westphalia was the only one nationwide to hit second place. For this he receives 1,156,173.40 euros. The only thing missing for first prize was the super number 9.

multi-week pass

With a stake of EUR 20.20, the previously anonymous player has been taking part in the LOTTO 6aus49 draws since Saturday, July 16th. The best thing about it: His tips are still in the running until Wednesday, August 10th. This means that WestLotto customers have a chance of winning more. The lottery player had submitted his game order to a collection point in the Wuppertal area. The new millionaire selected his lucky numbers individually: He only ticked two rows of bets on his lottery ticket.

Jackpot rises to five million euros

Since no nationwide player was able to hit the top prize class, the jackpot at LOTTO 6aus49 for the upcoming drawing on Saturday, August 6th, will rise to around five million euros. Participation is possible in all WestLotto acceptance points and under

Participation from 18 years. Gambling can be addictive! Help and advice under BZgA: 0800 1372700 (free of charge). State-licensed gambling operator (whitelist according to Section 9 (8) GlüStV). Jackpot chance 1: 140 million