Eve: Valkyire – Without single player campaign after server shutdown

Eve: Valkyire - Without single player campaign after server shutdown

from Michael Miskulin
The servers of the online space shooter Eve: Valkyrie have been shut down. However, the team at CCP Games hadn’t announced that the single player mode would be gone as well. Now, those few fans left are upset that Valkyrie’s single-player components are gone along with the multiplayer servers.

Eve: Valkyrie, Eve’s online space shooter, has been discontinued. However, not only were the multiplayer servers shut down forever, but the title’s short single-player campaign is gone forever. This once again illustrates the problems and transience of live service games using a concrete example.

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Eve: Valkyrie – single player mode disappeared

Developer CCP Games announced the server shutdown last month on the official Eve: Valkyrie website announced. “On August 5, 2022, the servers of Eve: Valkyrie shut down, social media profiles will be closed and this website will go offline. Once the servers are down, customer support for Eve: Valkyrie will no longer be provided,” CCP Games said. However, CCP did not mention that the game’s limited single-player campaign, which serves primarily as a tutorial, will be removed in the larger Introduced PvP multiplayer for Eve: Valkyrie Now it appears that Valkyrie’s single player mode is gone as well.

First released in 2016, Eve: Valkyrie marked a new direction for the Eve universe and marked CCP’s first foray into virtual reality. A year later, the studio released Eve: Valkyrie – Warzone for PC and Playstation 4 – now without a VR Headset as a requirement. The game never found its audience and stuff the number of players recently fell into the single digits. Eve: Valkyrie first appeared with a price tag of around $30. While it’s not the price of a full €70-80 triple-A title, it’s understandable that fans are upset.

Source: Reddit
