WoW: Get mausoleum transmogs through old Karazhan items (Ilvl 50).

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from Sebastian Glanzer
If you want to get the transmog templates for the set items from the mausoleum of the first in WoW: Shadowlands, you can also use items from the old Karazhan dungeons with item level 50 for the conversion at the creation catalyst in Zereth Mortis – season 4 makes it possible.

The inclusion of legacy WoD, Legion, and BfA dungeons in the Mythic Plus rotation introduces some quirks in Season 4 of WoW: Shadowlands. On the one hand, you have to click through several tabs for an overview of the rewards in the adventure guide – but there is a solution for this in the form of an addon. On the other hand, the items from old dungeons lead to unexpected interactions.

Although the Karazhan parts and the WoD and BfA dungeons do not exist as “M0”, they are still in their mythical version. Like Redditor VeryLosh found out, you can pack the items from the old mythical versions of, for example, Karazhan in their item level 50 version into the creation catalyst in Zereth Mortis and use them to get transmog templates from the Mausoleum of the First.

Soloist Mausoleum transmogs

In theory, converting Shadowlands items to set items at the Creation Catalyst works with a variety of items. But if you play solo or want to collect set items with several characters and don’t have any Shadowlands items available, you can theoretically go to the old versions of Karazhan and Co. and collect items there to convert them into mausoleum items. They are then ~ item level 50, but it’s only about the transmog template anyway.