Pokémon Go: Mega Scizor! 15 counters in the raid battle guide

Pokémon Go: Mega Scizor!  15 counters in the raid battle guide

It’s finally that time again: In Pokémon Go, a new Mega Pokémon celebrates its debut and suitable for this year’s beetle crawling event the special Pokémon in the Mega Raids is none other than Mega Scizor! You will encounter the Bug and Steel-type Mega Pokémon in the Mega Raids from August 10, 2022 to August 16, 2022 (each at 10:00 a.m. local time). With a bit of luck, Scherox will even show up in his dazzling form after the successful fight! Do you need tips for the fight? Then you will find helpful hints for your defeat over Mega Scizor in Pokémon Go below in our counter guide!

Mega Scizor as a raid boss

Mega Scizor is dual-type Bug and Steel, which means the Pokémon has an insanely large weakness, namely attackers with Fire-type attacks. If you really want to smack the beetle on the head, be sure to check the weather in your Pokémon Go app at the top right of the overworld map. When the sun is shining or the sky is clear, Fire-type attacks do more damage! All other types are rather weak in terms of counter power, so you should definitely strengthen your fire attackers!

Mega Scizor will oppose you with 45,5403 CP and is therefore one of the stronger Mega Pokémon. So you should definitely team up with a few other trainers. With Mega Scizor making its first appearance during the 2022 Bug Crawl event and only for a week, finding a few companions shouldn’t be a problem. Below you will find the best counters against Mega Scizor.

  • Crypto Ho-Oh with cremation and purifying fire
  • Crypto Entei with Fire Tooth and Heat Fever
  • Crypto Lavados with fire wheel and heat koller
  • Reshiram with Fire Tooth and Heat Fever
  • Crypto Charizard with fire wheel and tan cannonade
  • Crypto Tornupto with cremation and tan cannonade
  • Crypto Arcane with Fire Tooth and Flamethrower
  • Ho Oh with cremation and purifying fire
  • Crypto Magbrant with a pinwheel and a fire blast
  • Flampivian with Fire Tooth and Heat Fever
  • Lavados with fire wheel and heat koller
  • Blair with fire wheel and tan cannonade
  • Crypto dogmon with Fire Tooth and Flamethrower
  • Heatran with pinwheel and flamethrower
  • skeleton with fire wheel and heat koller
