WoW: Dragonflight: Battlerezz for everyone! Engineering item with no profession restrictions

WoW: Dragonflight: Warlocks get important ability of their companion (1)

from Philip Sattler
The Battlerezz, i.e. reviving an ally in battle, is an extremely important mechanic in WoW. Previously only druids, death knights, warlocks and engineers could do this. In Dragonflight, on the other hand, all players can revive as long as they have the necessary item in their pocket.

The expression “Bring the player, not the class” should be familiar to almost every WoW player. Originally it was conceived as a slogan for not needing special classes for certain fights or mechanics. Each class should be able to handle the task at hand, and choosing the right players should be far more important than choosing the class and playstyle. Over the years, the once serious saying has become more and more of a running gag. Because not only do you definitely need certain ways of playing for some fights, the developers then cheerfully distributed important buffs to individual classes.

In WoW: Dragonflight, the developers want to take a step back in this regard. A lot of classes have access to various abilities through the talent trees, thanks to which class choice should become less important. An item that was introduced in the latest alpha build along with the engineering profession also falls into this category.