Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 shows details of Map Farm 18 in a new video

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 shows details of Map Farm 18 in a new video

Infinity Ward has released a new video showing you the Farm 18 map for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Each bush had to sit perfectly

“Farm 18 was born out of the idea that we liked the Shoothouse Facility map, so we tried to think of hidden training facilities,” said the game’s head of multiplayer map design, Geoff Smith, in the video posted on Twitter.

“How about we put a shoothouse like situation in the middle and if you want to play this crazy game you can go in the middle and the action will find you,” says Smith. “If you want to retire and play in a different way, that’s still possible.”

In addition to the cement factory, where you can indulge in the shooter action, there is also some greenery scattered around the map – bushes and other undergrowth. After all, the factory should be overgrown and the player should see that too. However, the team had to be careful here, because the plants should not be used as hiding places.

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“If we pack the green too densely, players will hide in the corners, and if we don’t pack it densely enough, we won’t be able to convey the story of the greenery,” explains Ashley Thundercliff, a Senior Artist behind Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is scheduled for release on October 28, 2022. Warzone 2.0 fans will have to wait a little longer, but this year it should be released for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC.