Useless knowledge for Tolkien fans – the book for fans of Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit

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Fantasy as we know it today would be absolutely unthinkable without the works of JRR Tolkien. The British writer not only invented the world of Middle-earth, but also had a significant influence on what we understand by elves, dwarves and orcs today. With his masterpiece Lord of the Rings, he also made fantasy socially acceptable and accessible to a wide audience. In addition to the books, the great film adaptations by Peter Jackson certainly also played a role.

If you want to delve deeper into the world of Middle-earth, take a look at the Silmarillion. There you will find countless background stories and facts about the world created by Tolkien. But if that is too boring for you, we have a reading tip for you: Useless knowledge for Tolkien fans! This new book from Riva Verlag contains 192 pages of various facts about the books, films and life of JRR Tolkien.