Pseudo-Legendarys in Pokémon Go – we wish for a Community Day!

Pokémon Go now has a Pokéball memory - if you activate it (1)

Alolan Kleinstein, Galar Zigzachs, Velursi… while the chance of Shiny Pokémon for Community Day in Pokémon Go is generally nice, these monthly events tend to leave PvE meta fans in the dark. Shiny: Yes. But how about some fighting power in raids? In that regard, the meta trainers themselves had plenty of fodder at the Community Days; lately things were looking bleak at the front if we disregard Kapuno.

How good that the people at Niantic have already started an experiment in 2022 revolving around Pokémon that were part of Community Day: the Community Day Classic. Both Bulbasaur and Hydropi have had a chance to shine on a Classic CD, but interestingly with their “old” exclusive Charge Attacks. Charmander and Eevee even made an appearance twice as part of the normal Community Day. So why shouldn’t this also be the case with powerful Pokémon? so with the pseudo-legendarys?

The Pokémon are true fighters, they don’t appear that often in the wild outside of events, and they are relevant to the metagame; for both PvE and PvP. Especially since the pseudo-legendaries could be missed even more exclusive attacks – so why not select them for a Community Day Revival or for a Community Day Classic? the Authors of Pokemon Go Hub have examined the six pseudo-legendaries that have been the focus of a Community Day so far and provide arguments for their reappearance!

Dratini was part of the second Community Day ever, on February 24th, 2018 – and that was quite a while ago. Dragonite then learned the exclusive move Draco Meteor. How about if Dragoran could learn Powerhulk? That would not make the Pokémon a universal tool for all occasions, but it would improve its potential over Steel Pokémon – because they are currently pouring Dragonite powerfully. In the Master League, a Dragoran with the dark move Spinner would be a good answer to Giratina and Mewtwo, which are popular and often used.

The Larvitar Community Day was also quite a while ago, as it took place in June 2018. Tyranitar learned the powerful Catapult attack during development. Tyranitar has become less and less relevant over time, so it would be great if it could get some of the spotlight back. If Tyranitar could learn Stone Hail, it would be a much better combination with Catapult than Stone Edge. Tyranitar could thus gain in efficiency as a rock attacker. Teachdown, on the other hand, would be a good addition to PvP to make Tyranitar a real fear-monger. And Tyranitar could also learn twirlers! While Hydreigon would have more damage potential than Tyranitar on paper with Spinner, Tyranitar is more resilient and has Mega Evolution (which is also not yet in the game). A combination of Twirler Tyranitar and a Mega Evolution would make the Pokémon an absolute beast.

In April 2019, Kid Worm was the Community Day Pokémon, and Brutalanda learned Tantrum at the time. In PvE, Brutalanda is a stunner, especially as a Shadow Pokémon. In PvP, on the other hand, it’s a disappointment because it lacks a good combination of moves. The Pokemon Go Hub authors are therefore convinced that a Dragonfly-Flying Brutalanda would be a monster in terms of attack speed – and it would continue to win in PvE as well. On the other hand, the combination of dragon claw and flying would be a pretty good thing for PvP.

Tanhel was the Community Day Pokemon in October 2018 and Metagross learned Star Slam, which is still a big deal in both PvP and PvE today. Star Smash and Earthquake are the most profitable moves for Metagross in Battle League, but Ice Slam might help lure out shields. And balancing impact would be a good alternative to the more expensive earthquake. Metagross is still in excellent shape even after four years. But wouldn’t it be cool to have a few more?