House of the Dragon: Who Plays Viserys I Targaryen?

Paddy Considine plays Viserys I Targaryen in the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon.

in the game of Thrones-Prequel “House of the Dragon” is initially all about the king. His name is Viserys I. Targaryen, and if you’re wondering which actor is playing the character in the HBO series, you’ve come to the right place.

Viserys I Targaryen in House of the Dragon

That’s what it’s about: Viserys I Targaryen sits on the Iron Throne and rules Westeros. However, he and the whole empire are primarily concerned with the question of succession to the throne. For Viserys I Targaryen may have a wife, but initially no male descendants.

Or rather, Queen Aemma dies giving birth to her son. To make matters worse, the newborn follows his mother to her death a short time later.

But at least there is still a princess Rhaenyrawhich then also summarily to heir to the throne is appointed. What the royal brother Demon Targaryen doesn’t fit at all.

Later Viserys I marries Targaryen again and gets three sons and another daughter. In theory, if it weren’t for Rhaenyra, these sons would now be possible heirs to the throne.

This actor plays Viserys Targaryen

Behind Viserys I Targaryen in “House of the Dragon” hides the actor Paddy (Patrick) Considine. It might look familiar to you because it’s real no blank slate is more in the world of acting.

Paddy Considine plays Viserys I Targaryen in the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon.
This is what Viserys Targaryen looks like in House of the Dragon. © HBO/Sky

For example you could pick Paddy Considine from some British films like Hot Fuzz or The World’s End know. The actor has also appeared on the big screen in “The Bourne Ultimatum” and “Pride”.

But of course that wasn’t all. In the Peaky Blinders series The Viserys I. Targaryen actor also has a number of appearances as Father John Hughes.

If you the Ser Harrold Westerling actor looks familiar from House of the Dragon, you can read about why in this PlayCentral article. Otherwise you can find all information about it here, where you can stream the Game of Thrones prequel series.