Pokémon GO: Signs of Solgaleo and Lunala appeared in game files

Pokémon GO: Dates for Community Days in September, October and November (1)

from Sebastian Glanzer
Dataminers have found fairly accurate signs in Pokémon Go that players will soon be embarking on a quest line that will see them encounter the iconic Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala.

To the Conclusion of the Pokémon Go Fest 2022 have the Dataminer by PokeMiners made some interesting discoveries in the Pokémon Go game files. Quest texts that have Professor Willow talking to the player indicate that players may soon be dealing with the Legendary Pokémon Cosmog, Cosmovum, Solgaleo, and Lunala.

These are finds from the game’s source code, but the signs of these Pokémon are pretty clear. Professor Willow was trapped in what is known as Ultra Space, where he encountered a protective presence. This is said to have been “warm like the sun and calming like the moon”. A clear indication of the main characters of the 7th generation – Solgaleo and Lunala – who can be seen on the cover of the games Sun and Moon.

It’s in the game files

+RESOURCE ID: gofest_2022_finale_4_1_5
+TEXT: No, it was more than a feeling. It was like I was surrounded by a protective presence—warm like the sun and calm like the moon.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest_2022_finale_4_1_9
+TEXT: wait. Is there something in the sky? I’d investigate myself, but… *yawn* I suddenly feel like I lost a staring contest with a hypno.

+RESOURCE ID: gofest_2022_finale_4_1_10
+TEXT: You and your Pokémon should go check it out. I’ll be here. Just give me a…minute… +*snore*
