Silent firmware update for Nintendo Switch: Penis ASCII art is undesirable

Silent firmware update for Nintendo Switch: Penis ASCII art is undesirable

from Claus Ludewig
Nintendo has released a firmware update that locks certain words. For example, penis ASCII art is undesirable.

In contrast to the console competitors Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo sees itself as a family-friendly alternative. Gamers could already feel this fact in the 1980s/90s, for example when the color of the pistol accessories in Duck Hunt was changed so that the plastic weapon is not confused with a real pistol. Meanwhile, the special line of the Japanese is clear. So now the third Silent update to the firmware of the Nintendo Switch been published. Version 14.1.2 doesn’t have much new to offer. However, Nintendo blocks a number of terms that contain sexual insinuations or are racist language throughout the system.

Multiple terms can no longer be entered on a Nintendo Switch

The leaker “OatmealDome” has found out which words are now banned. As of now, terms like the Japanese “Ahegao”, the English “c-word” and the penis ASCII art are undesirable and can no longer be entered on a Nintendo Switch. It is unclear why Nintendo blocks the input of certain words. Maybe a game will appear soon where you can enter a lot of text. Nintendo could protect users from being able to read unwanted words. Firmware version 14.1.2 is a silent update that downloads automatically in the background and cannot be viewed in settings.

In the future, Harvestella and Splatoon 3 will be two new potential hits for the Nintendo console. At Harvestella, Final Fantasy sort of meets Stardew Valley and Rune Factory. Square Enix is ​​behind the fantasy simulation. This is how fantasy farming can be done in Nemea. In Splatoon 3 there will be colorful color battles again, with new movement options, for example. Wall jumps can be used to climb painted walls even faster.

Also worth reading: Denuvo: Now also wants to protect Nintendo Switch games from piracy

Silent firmware update collection for the Nintendo Switch:

  • Nintendo has secretly, quietly released the new firmware version 14.1.2. The update is downloaded in the background and cannot be seen in the settings.
  • The new software prevents the entry of words that contain sexual insinuations or are racist statements.
  • From now on, terms like the Japanese “Ahegao”, the English “c-word” and the penis ASCII art are undesirable.
  • The Japanese confirm that they offer a family-friendly console.

Source: Twitter