WoW: “Timewalking Legion” was too successful, won’t come back in Dragonflight

WoW: "Timewalking Legion" was too successful, won't come back in Dragonflight

A popular Shadowlands feature isn’t coming back in the next WoW expansion. Mythic+ Timewalking will be cancelled.

In the recent past, the developers behind World of Warcraft have tried a few experiments to try new (or old) things. One of those experiments was Timewalking: Legion, which also saw the return of Mythic+ dungeons.

This was well received by many, but also led to problems. The end of the story is now: With Dragonflight, i.e. patch 10.0, there will no longer be “Mythic+” dungeons that are linked to time walking.

Why don’t they come back? The short version is: They were too successful. Because they basically confirmed exactly what season 4 has now made possible: old dungeons fit well into the current “Mythic+” content and that will probably remain a permanent theme. As game director Ion Hazzikostas explained in an interview with MrGM a while ago (via wowhead) when asked if “M+” Timewalking is returning:

No, it won’t when Legion Timewalking begins in Patch 10.0. The “Mythic+” part [der Zeitwanderung] was an experiment that helped us confirm this on a larger scale. You know, going back to old dungeons and using them for the modern M+ system can feel compelling and fun, but when those two systems coexist, especially when there are some Legion dungeons on the rotation anyway, then that feels strange at.

Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that we wanted Legacy Mythic+ to be something that would be available more frequently than once a week every few months.

Another problem might be that items from the Timewalking dungeons would then compete with those from the current content. For example, if word got around that a certain piece of jewelry, say, from Neltharion’s Lair is better than anything from the current dungeon rotation, that would be a problem. Because that would mean that players only have the chance to get these items every few months and sometimes you have to wait a long time to get a new chance.

Basically, however, the plan for Dragonflight and the foreseeable future seems to be to mix new dungeons with old dungeons in one season – as is already the case in the current season 4. However, in Dragonflight it will not be a ratio of 2 current and 6 old dungeons, but instead 4 new and 4 old.

What do you think? Do you like that the Mythic Timewalking dungeons aren’t coming back? Or did you always think it was super cool that they were part of the Timewalking event?