Buying a used laptop: you have to pay attention to this

notebook laptop

If you want to buy a used PC or laptop, you can save a lot of money. However, there are a few things you should pay attention to when buying a used one.

The PC has become an indispensable part of everyday life. Not only at work, but also privately, we do many things directly on the computer. That’s why a new computer is needed from time to time. No problem: After all, the range and selection are huge. But does it always have to be a new device?

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What speaks for a used laptop?

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You have to spend significantly less money for a used laptop than for a new one.

Image: © Adobe Stock/peampath 2021

The most important aspect that speaks for a used computer is of course the financial one. You can often save significantly if you buy a device that is used and has already been a year or two under its belt. Decent computers from brand manufacturers such as Acer, HP or Lenovo can sometimes be had for less than 300 euros. Older PCs are often still perfectly adequate for many usage scenarios, such as writing in Office, managing files or surfing the web.

In addition, continuing to use an old computer instead of buying a new one is better for the environment. This is how you prevent a fully functional PC from ending up in electronic waste. This conserves resources such as gold, silver and copper.

What speaks against a used PC?

It should be noted that PCs age faster than televisions or sound systems, for example. Technical components such as processors or graphics cards are often outdated after just a few years and are sometimes no longer sufficient for many newer programs. This is mainly due to the software, which is getting better and better, but is also becoming more and more resource-hungry. In addition, electrical components that have been in use for a few years are more prone to defects and the housing of used computers often has scratches.

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Used computers often have scratches on the housing. With a standing computer, however, this can easily be exchanged.

Image: © Adobe Stock/nd700 2021

If you want to use a PC for several years, you should make sure when you buy it that the hardware still has a bit of room for improvement in order to still be able to meet all requirements in two or three years. If necessary, you can replace individual components and thus keep the system up-to-date over a longer period of time.

Whether a used purchase is worthwhile also depends on what a PC is to be used for. If you want to play new games on your device, for example, you should look out for a new PC. The same applies to users who want to use their computer for video editing or graphics editing, for example.

What should a used laptop or PC offer?

Of course, a PC does not need a high-end processor for standard office tasks. An Intel Core i3 or an AMD Ryzen 3 is often sufficient. The somewhat weaker, but at the same time more energy-saving Intel Core M or AMD Athlon chips should also be able to cope with most requirements. On the other hand, if you need a little more performance, look around for computers with an Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5. Intel Core i7 and Core i9 as well as AMD Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 can be found in the upper class.

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Gamers should pay attention to excellent hardware when buying a used PC.

Image: © Adobe Stock / daliu 2019

According to the current status, the main memory should be at least 4 GB RAM. Almost all everyday tasks can be done well with it. If you want a little more future-proofing, you should look for a model with 6 or 8 GB RAM or choose a computer where the working memory can be upgraded without too much trouble.

Storage is also an important point. Since we deal with more and more data in everyday life, a purchase of less than 500 GB is hardly worthwhile today. We recommend that you go into one to invest in an SSD. Since the reading and writing speeds of an SSD are significantly higher than that of a normal hard drive, such PCs are usually much faster than other models in everyday work.

Used laptop: There are these special features

When buying used notebooks, there are a few special features to consider. In general, the compact computers have a shorter lifespan than large desktop computers. This is mainly due to the fact that they can hardly be upgraded due to their construction. It is usually not possible to install a new processor or a new graphics card. With many models from 15 inches, at least hard drives can be exchanged or the RAM can be increased. If in doubt, you should ask the seller about the upgrade options.

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Some laptops can be upgraded with RAM.

Image: © Picture Alliance/ Andrea Warnecke 2016

Another point that is particularly important with older laptops is cleaning the fans. Over time, these become dusty, causing the Cooling of the processor and graphics card decreases. Heat in the parts arises primarily when the chips are working under full load. Fortunately, modern processors and GPUs automatically downclock themselves when the heat is too high to prevent damage. However, this also means that the processor and graphics card can hardly work under full load in practice. However, thorough cleaning of the fans is only possible if the laptop can be opened.

The older a notebook is, the more the battery was usually used. Its performance decreases with increasing charging cycles. It is therefore important, especially with used laptops, to ensure that the battery is removable so that it can be replaced if necessary.

The maximum age

The older a PC is, the less worthwhile it is to buy a used one. This is not only due to outdated components, but also to the general wear and tear of the technical components. Of course, the likelihood of defects increases with age. PCs that are five years old or older are usually no longer worth buying used. The expiration limit is lower for gaming computers, since components such as the processor or graphics card become obsolete more quickly. New parts are then not only expensive, but often can no longer be integrated into older systems.

Which operating system should it be?

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The used computer should offer at least Windows 10 so that you can update it to Windows 11 later.

Image: © Microsoft 2021

The operating system of a used PC is also important. It depends on what software is running on the computer. At least Windows 10 should be installed on the computer. Then there is also the chance that you can use the device for free Windows 11 update. Provided, of course, that the PC meets the system requirements of the operating system. If the PC is offered without an operating system, the only option is to install a purchased version of Windows or a free operating system such as Linux.

If possible: buy a “refurbished” computer from the dealer

If possible, buy the used PC or laptop from a dealer. Numerous providers sell refurbished computers or returned goods over the Internet, which often only have minimal signs of use. The big advantage: as a commercial seller, dealers must provide a guarantee of at least 12 months even if the guarantee has expired. If, for example, hidden defects are found, you are not left with the broken device. If you sell it privately, you don’t have this guarantee.


  • Used PCs offer advantages in terms of price and sustainability.
  • A used device is not suitable for all purposes.
  • As a buyer, you should deal with the hardware equipment.
  • With notebooks, you also have to consider factors such as maintenance options.
  • Used PCs should ideally be one to three years old.
  • Windows 10 or Windows 11 should be installed as the operating system.
  • If you try to buy the device from a commercial dealer, there is at least a 12-month warranty.