The Little Mermaid trailer “The Little Mermaid” has a million dislikes on YouTube

Little Mermaid, youtube dislike, The Little Mermaid, GamersRD

After Disney revealed the Little Mermaid teaser trailer “The Little Mermaid”, many of the fans have been sending fire at Disney for the forced inclusion of the new Ariel.

We recently published an article mentioning many of the angry fans on the Twitter social network. However, today I was able to see the trailer on the official channel of disney on youtube It has a million dislikes. Until the moment of writing the article the trailer has 286k likes and 1M dislikes, this means that currently the average number of dislikes is almost triple.

Little Mermaid, youtube dislike, The Little Mermaid, GamersRD

It is worth mentioning that a while ago Youtube eliminated the dislikes from the platform, but thanks to the extension Return YouTube Dislike that can be installed in Google Chrome, you can see the dislikes. Disney is doing things their way and has completely forgotten about the fans. This movie is going down a bleak road as if this is just a teaser trailer, I don’t think this movie will succeed. Something similar happened when the trailer for the movie Pinocchio was shown for the first time, and the results have been a failure and yet Disney continues to bet on its forced inclusion, if of course they are Disney. Leave us your comment.