WoW: Convert Torghast to a dungeon? Fast, simple and with a lot of potential

WoW Dragonflight: In Ohn'ahran you can raise a new mount!  (2)

WoW: Shadowlands started with a lot of ambitions back then. Obviously too many ambitions. Although the currently running extension had a lot of features in its luggage, very few of them were really convincing. Whether pacts, legendaries, loot or grind – at the beginning little fit in Shadowlands. Only towards the end have most of the features been polished to the point where they can actually be fun.

To a certain extent, this also applies to Torghast. The main reason Jailer’s Tower suffered was that it became a weekly must-attend event for any gamer with any level of ambition. If you wanted your Legendarys, you had to fight your way through the various wings. Add to that the sheer length of each wing and the lack of motivation to set foot inside outside of the forced visits.