Easter Egg in iOS 16: Hidden messaging feature for iMessage

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from Claus Ludewig
Apple didn’t just integrate obvious new features into iOS 16. In the exclusive messenger iMessage there is a practical message feature, which is however well hidden.

Apple has rolled out the iOS 16 operating system version to go with the new iPhone 14. iOS 16 is available for all Apple smartphones from the iPhone 8 from 2017. In addition to widget support for the lock screen, there are also new features in the integrated Apple-exclusive messenger iMessage. For example, messages can be recalled, at least within 15 minutes of sending them. As David Pierce of The Verge magazine discovered, Apple into iMessage Easter egg hidden.

Sort unknown stations

So it is possible to only display unread messages or messages to unknown senders. Similar to Microsoft’s Outlook app, Apple has been categorizing incoming messages for several years. If a contact is stored in iCloud or on the iPhone, the message automatically moves to the relevant area, all other messages can be found in a separate section. With iOS 16 comes a new filter that can be set within the iMessage app in the “unread messages” area:

  • Go to Messages in the settings app.
  • Scroll down to “Filter unknown channels” and tap on it. If you want, you can also filter for unread messages in this menu item.

Alternatively, there is a new filter button in the top left corner of the iMessage app. If you tap on it, you can also set different filters. In addition to new features that can be useful, Apple has also integrated functions into iOS 16 that could annoy users. With a little work, however, the potential for frustration can be reduced.

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Also worth reading: iOS 16: How to get rid of annoying innovations

Collection on hidden feature in iMessage on iOS 16:

  • Apple has rolled out the iOS 16 operating system version for the new iPhone 14, with all models from the iPhone 8 from 2017 getting the new OS version.
  • Not all innovations are immediately visible, as a feature in iMessage shows.
  • There is a new filter to sort messages by unknown senders or by unread messages.

Source: The Verge
