Ratings are coming back to Eurogamer.de… Or?

Ratings are coming back to Eurogamer.de... Or?

More than seven years ago I wrote “Blow the Ratings!”. Seven years is endless. The PS4 was still pretty fresh back then, Nintendo was messing around with the Switch Beta, aka Wii U, and the Avengers were beating up Ultron. Ratings for games seemed silly, outdated, not fair to the product they were foisted on. Was it all wrong?

Well no. It’s still a good argument against valuations, but then again, sometimes you don’t realize the value of something until you no longer have it. Sometimes it takes a few years. In contrast to love, however, we have the option of simply bringing ratings back. From one day to another. Just as we want it. Or how you want it.

First, here’s why we want the ratings back: The world has changed and so have the games. The number of “Hands off!” games is increasingly approaching zero. It wasn’t that high seven years ago. Real flops from even a vaguely more well-known manufacturer are rare and meanwhile someone who makes Sonic or had something to do with Sonic has to do it to land something.

But the other end is much more important. There are a lot more quality games, whether indie or triple-A, that float in the range of “is really good” to “wow, that’s awesome,” with the latter sometimes missing that final something. Then they all get recommendations. Here we miss the grades 7 to 9. A still likeable and recommendable 7 gets the same logo as a 9 that just barely misses eternal glory. That annoys us and we want to differentiate that better with the ratings.

We would keep the award logos, but not tie them to a specific number. A particularly likeable 7 can have a silver logo, but it doesn’t have to. A 9 can be exceptionally golden, another rather shiny silver. That depends on the feeling and sometimes a small nuance.

So we want. So now the question: where do you stand in the ratings? Vote, then we’ll see.
