Tower of Fantasy features new content and Mortal Online 2 features a completely new engine

tof und tl mmorpg news

This week the MMORPGs were all about updates. Many new patches have arrived, been announced or are about to happen. You can find out what else happened here in MeinMMO’s weekly review.

The highlights of the week:

The excitement of the week: The sandbox MMORPG Fractured Online started early access last week, but the start was anything but smooth. However, the developers patch up almost every day and improve the MMORPG (via massivelyop).

The discussion of the week: The popular expansion Wrath of the Lich King is coming to WoW Classic next week. We wanted to know from you – will you play it?

A new trailer also prepares you for “Wrath of the Lich King Classic”..

WotLK Classic: Impressive trailer shows how Azeroth prepares for the Lich King

Guild Wars 2 has balancing issues and Wizard101 has been hacked

This is what happened in the big MMORPGs:

This is what happened with the small MMORPGs:

The medieval MMORPG Gloria Victis gets new graphics and a chic trailer.

MMORPG Gloria Victis – Gameplay Trailer

Throne and Liberty launches with the latest technology

This is what happened with the MMORPGs in development:

That was the news of the week at a glance. What is your personal highlight? Did you experience anything else great this week? Or have we perhaps forgotten something important? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.

Twitch Streamer Creates Stunning ESO Cosplays – Tell us what makes the MMORPG special