Once again THE multiplayer shooter – but only because the competition is sleeping

Soldiers walk through a pond in Modern warfare 2

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Of: Janik Boeck

Modern Warfare 2 will probably be THE multiplayer shooter 2022, Activision will once again rise to the Olympus of shooting. Mainly because the competition gets nothing baked.

Hamburg – I come from the generation of shooter players in which the question “Call of Duty or Battlefield?” divided the masses. And while Battlefield has always been my favorite, I’ve still spent endless amounts of time on CoD. With the release of Modern Warfare 2, I have a lot of time on the console again this year. In the beta I had about 15 hours to get a first impression. And the new MW2 will probably be the best multiplayer shooter of 2022 again – but only because the competition is sleeping in my opinion.

Modern Warfare 2: Beta promises firecrackers – the necessary revolution is still missing

Call of Duty cannot objective play: Call of Duty has always had one fundamental problem: Nobody gives an F about what the game mode you’re playing is about. After all, the K/D looks way sexier in profile than anything else. This is especially noticeable in Domination when someone has 27 kills but not a flag at the end of the round. But why should it, the game doesn’t even reward you for it.

Soldiers walk through a pond in Modern warfare 2
Modern Warfare 2: It rarely runs as purposefully as here in multiplayer © Activision (Montage)

Modern Warfare 3 had the idea to change that for the first time. Killstreaks became pointstreaks. Capturing a flag thus earned the UAV as many points as a kill. So objective play was rewarded. In Modern Warfare you can switch between kill and score streaks. The bad thing is, the scorestreaks were ridiculously bad in the beta. Capturing an empty flag earned less points than a kill. And so everyone runs headless across the map again and hopes for the montage play for the final killcam. No sign of understanding of the game, but call everyone noobs afterwards in voice chat – great cinema.

Modern Warfare 2 encourages camping and will break your hands for it in the menu

Set up the tent and light the campfire: Which only increases the problem in Modern Warfare 2: The Time to Kill (TTK) is extremely short in Modern Warfare 2. The sprint-to-fire time is extremely high. This often results in sprinting being rewarded with virtual death. Because the squad spawn system throws players onto the map unpredictably, nobody shows up on the minimap when shooting, and footsteps are extremely loud, everyone is sitting in the corner somewhere, moldying their killstreaks. After all, they are more important than winning the game.

The menu will break your fingers: You have to give Modern Warfare 2 one thing: In terms of gameplay, the game is convincing across the board. I’ve rarely played a multiplayer shooter that felt so awesome. Because the slide cancel thankfully no longer exists, you no longer break your hands when gambling. The new menu does that for you. This is also one of Modern Warfare 2’s 7 sins.

A soldier from Modern Warfare 2 sits in the upgrade menu between battles
Modern Warfare 2: The menu was a disaster in the console beta © Activision / Call of Duty

As an insider reveals, the menu in Modern Warfare 2 will remain the same after release – I can’t tell who approved the maze of buttons. It’s never taken me so long to create a loadout and I’ve never ducked through menus more often because the buttons in each new tab do something different or the displays are unclear. The menu might be okay for a mouse and keyboard or smartphone, but it’s a total disaster on controllers.

Modern Warfare 2 promises to be awesome – but it has a bland aftertaste

Infinity Ward doesn’t seem to care much about feedback: After just the first weekend of the Modern Warfare 2 beta, there was a lot of community feedback for the developer studio. Infinity Ward was heavily criticized mainly because of the minimap in Modern Warfare 2. However, it is unlikely that anything will change.

The competition is sleeping: The new Modern Warfare 2 is undeniably fun, especially when played with multiple people. But it has a bad aftertaste for me. The focus of the game is clearly on everyone getting a few kills. That’s why there’s skill-based matchmaking instead of a ranked mode. This is why the TTK is so low. And that’s why no one will show up on the minimap if he or she shoots without a silencer.

Soldiers have a hostage in Modern Warfare 2
Modern Warfare 2 is good, but could be a lot better with the right competition © Activision

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a good game, probably the best multiplayer shooter of 2022. And the title will undoubtedly be a financial success for Activision. But the sequel to the 2019 hit doesn’t feel like the revolution that would have benefited the series.

As long as the competition – namely Battlefield or Halo – continues to dismantle themselves, CoD doesn’t even have to make an effort. That may be good for Modern Warfare 2 at first, but for a balanced competition in the shooter genre, the sleeping competition is a disaster. A lack of diversity is always boring in the long run.
