Riot once brought a new summoner spell to LoL – Removed it after 2 weeks because it was too bad

Riot brachte einmal einen neuen Beschwörer-Zauber zu LoL – Entfernte ihn nach 2 Wochen, weil er zu schlecht war

Riot Games is always trying to improve the gaming experience for the community. From time to time, new features will be added to League of Legends added. Some changes come with special events and stick, while others fail and are quickly forgotten. In 2019, Riot once attempted to bring a new summoner spell to LoL.

What counts in such changes?

  • In the beginning, Riot Games released a new champion every 2 weeks. However, the frequency is decreasing and they are considering not releasing any more at some point.
  • Game modes such as Dominion, 3 vs 3, and Aram are examples of game changes that have endured over time.
  • Riot Games keeps revising the items in the game, such as the Philosopher’s Stone, the Rod of Age and the Force of Nature, which has since been removed from the game.
  • Game modes that only stayed online for a short time during events included the Doom-Bots-of-Doom, Urf, Legends-of-the-Poro-King, and the Bilgewater event.

Especially at the Bilgewater event, Riot made a big blunder: They tried a new summoner spell. Here you can find out what is so special about it.

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Even the best ideas can be poorly implemented

What is the summoner spell? It’s about the retreat spell. This spell was added in version 9.7 in 2019. In the next patch, Riot Games removed the magic from the game.

It’s a self-referencing spell that gives you a shield based on champion level for 2.5 seconds. Once the time runs out, all negative effects have been removed from you and you have become invulnerable and untargetable while sprinting a little towards the base.

The spell reads as very strong. Invulnerability and crowd control removal plus a shield speak for themselves. This allowed abilities like Zed’s or Vladimir’s ult to be dodged and ignored. But the community saw it differently.

What did the community say about this? There was always a nicer alternative to the retreat spell with the Flash and Mark/Sprint abilities. The spell itself, while looking strong on paper, wasn’t very practical in game and had little impact despite the shield.

The forced sprint towards the base was a big problem factor. Once the spell was cast, there was no way you could activate or cancel that spell sooner. This resulted in certain plays being doomed, completely ruining an exciting move.

Riot responded very directly to the feedback: After just two weeks, the spell was phased out. However, the community had long in advance stopped using the magic.

Since then there have been no attempts to add new summoner spells into the game. The current selection of spells seems to be sufficient to fill the combination of usefulness and fun. For this reason, no new tests for new spells were given. The opinion of the LoL community also reflects this so far.

Do you have spells or abilities you want to see again? If you have any ideas how to bring something like this into the game, then tell us!

Another interesting article on changes in LoL is: LoL posts huge changes for the most thankless role in the game, quickly deletes the post