Apple Watch 8: This is what the new Apple Watches Ultra & Co.

Apple Watch 8: This is what the new Apple Watches Ultra & Co.

Before going into more detail about the individual functions of the different models in the line-up, it must be clarified when an Apple Watch makes sense at all. It’s only worth:

if you own an iPhone

The Apple smartwatch only works with iPhones. It cannot be paired with an Android smartphone, which is why this is a basic requirement.

when the watch is a daily companion

The Apple Watch is a watch. If the potential wearer is not a watch wearer or permanently forgets to charge the smartwatch with his iPhone, it is not necessary.

with regular sports sessions

The Apple Watch is a small wrist computer that records all activities. Steps, cycling sessions, yoga, swimming and other sports. If it is just a normal watch, the purchase should be reconsidered.

in health surveillance

ECG, temperature sensor, heart rate monitor and a blood oxygen sensor. The Apple Watch 8 is equipped with the most advanced sensors that monitor the health of the wearer. Because of this factor alone, the purchase is worthwhile in order to uncover any health risks with the watch.

to receive notifications on your wrist

Appointments, WhatsApp messages or reminders from the Apple Watch itself – new buyers of a Smartwatch are surprised at how often the device vibrates on the wrist at first. Clear notification management is needed here, otherwise the watch will vibrate constantly for group messages. However, for older or forgetful people, the wrist vibration is awesome as it helps them remember medication or appointments. Even if the iPhone is a few meters away, the wearer can still conveniently access their push notifications or even make calls.