Rimworld: Biotech expansion brings children, genetic engineering and cyborg – News

Rimworld: Biotech expansion brings children, genetic engineering and cyborg - News

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To royalty (in the game check) and ideology (in the game check) has now been added biotech the third expansion for the popular Colony sci-fi builder Rimworld (in the game check) announced by Ludeon Studios. It should appear in a few weeks along with update 1.4, which you can already play in the beta branch.

Biotech focuses on three features:

  • Control Mechanoids, including new types, by making a Colonist a Mechanitor
  • Raise babies and children, let the colonists multiply and create families. By natural or artificial means.
  • Genetically modified children and adults and interact with the new, genetically modified factions.

With Biotech, your colonists and guests can become pregnant. Both naturally and through various types of artificial insemination. Babies make you happy on the one hand, but they are also a challenge, for example you have to set up a kindergarten and a school. The offspring, especially if you help them, grow up quickly and you have to teach them everything. How exactly a child develops, you can determine for yourself along the way.

To create a Mechanitor you have to give him a special brain implant. Then you can even make Mechanoids yourself. You can then let the robots work and fight for you. They never get tired. The other side of the coin is the associated environmental pollution, which in the long run makes all living beings sick, the smog can even block the sun. In return, very special plants grow and animals settle there. Luckily, you can also get rid of the pollution, for example by freezing it or exporting it to the neighbourhood, but they may not be happy about it.

With gene modification, you can create Xenohumans with new, special properties, such as fur or the ability to breathe fire like a dragon. That goes all the way to immortality. There are several new factions. You can create your own modifications, or “steal” others’ genes and enrich your colonists and prisoners with them.

In the Steam News explains studio boss Tynan Sylvester detailedwhy they chose these three innovations. There you will also find more information about the highlights of the update:

  • Faster loading times
  • Colors for walls, floors, furniture and lights
  • Even without Ideology you can use all styles
  • Shelves to store items for better organization and protection
  • Two new towers
  • Colonists have different starting items depending on their background
  • Corpses and carcasses smell and can cause disease
  • New type of prisoner who is loyal to their homeland and cannot be recruited. But you can sell them, send them home, cannibalize them (with Biotech), use them in rituals, and enslave them (with Ideology).
  • New UI for the mod manager
  • New mod mismatch window
  • Redesigned options menu
  • Heat Overlay
  • Search field for quests
  • Tile Inspector to view individual fields

Of the complete changelog is also available.
