Riot makes LoL easier – expert fears it will be like WoW, soon no longer requires brains and skills

Riot makes LoL easier – expert fears it will be like WoW, soon no longer requires brains and skills

Riot Games has presented some changes for League of Legends: it’s about making the MOBA more accessible in some points and giving players more information. But Twitch streamer Tyler1 disagrees: He doesn’t like the changes at all. Expert Isaac “Azael” Cummings also expresses concerns. He fears LoL could fare like World of Warcraft.

What are these changes?

  • Riot has previewed numerous changes for the 2023 season, all aimed at making LoL easier to read and more accessible.
  • The jungle in particular is being revised so that new players can find their way around better: players are given pets and visual clues as to how far they can drag mobs from their spawn point without resetting. A recommended route for young junglers will also appear in-game soon.
  • Also, with some new systems, it’s going to be easier to track the Ward system: it’s a relatively complex part of LoL that revolves around who has “view” of the map and gains an advantage. The gameplay aspect becomes more important as you get better at League of Legends.

LoL radically overhauls the jungle – Riot changes pathing and items, lets you walk a pet

Tyler1 fundamentally opposed: Feels like a troll post

That’s what the biggest Twitch streamer says about it: Tyler1 is the biggest streamer on LoL. He’s not at all excited about the new changes. He already judges when skimming over the changes “It makes the game dumber.” (via youtube)

He keeps saying he doesn’t like it, not a bit, not at all.

Compared to how hard the jungle used to be, it’s a lot easier now. And that should be even easier? Not with him.

Tyler1 says:

“I don’t like that, I don’t like that at all. It feels like this is a troll post. Like: April, April, I got you. I do not like it.”

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If the game gives too much info, good players lose their advantage

What is the problem? What bothers Tyler1 elaborates on Isaac “Azrael” Cumming, a LoL caster and expert who used to be a WoW pro himself.

He explains what many hardcore gamers are feeling. He says LoL is now giving out more and more info to players just like that, taking away an advantage for experienced players to tap into this knowledge themselves (via twitter):

“WoW went in that direction with their addons and with Weak Aura going so crazy and that made the game less skill-heavy at the highest level because everyone was getting perfect information all the time.

The people who don’t need this information lost their advantage and the game slowed down.

These changes won’t break the game, but I think players SHOULD benefit from having learned and studied a game, and the more knowledge that’s given to them just like that, the less that aspect is rewarded.

Please don’t turn LoL into a game that doesn’t require brains.”

Pro Jungler Santorini Fears (via twitter): Soon Riot Games would just make it so that you press a button and the jungle is just cleared the 1st time and you only start playing after 3 minutes.

Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools in any game, you have to give it more importance instead of just making the game easier and easier.

What does Azael mean with the WoW comparison? With add-ons such as “Weak Aura” or “Deadly Boss Mods”, WoW players get all the important timers and information about the complex boss fights in the interface, so that it is always possible to see when a certain ability of the opponent comes, when you had to dodge it and other things.

Players no longer have to think or count themselves, but simply follow instructions that flash on their screen.

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Is LoL now becoming more casual for Arcane Netflix viewers?

Can you see that as a positive? The page polygon explained: The changes would make sense.

League of Legends would have attracted a new audience through the Netflix show Arcane. And it makes sense to make the game more accessible for beginners.

If you listened to LoL players, as a normal person you wouldn’t understand a word.

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