Final Fantasy XIV: Players Have A Wish For Their Animal Crossing Island, Boss Says “This Will Be Difficult”

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With the 6.2 patch of Final Fantasy XIV, players were given their own island to farm. However, many of them want more customization options to make their island more personal.

What is this island? The Island Paradise is a new content implemented with the latest content update. There they can tame animals, construct buildings, grow plants and generally just grind in a relaxed manner.

It should be loose and slow-paced content that players can play at their own pace without rushing or hurrying, according to director Naoki Yoshida. While it didn’t stop some players from escalating outright on the content, the response was arguably positive.

Basically, players who take their time also enjoy it. However, others who have attempted to rush the content seem frustrated by the repeated grind. […] We will consider player feedback for the future, but for now I’m just relieved to hear the content is being well received.

Naoki Yoshida to MeinMMO

There is this player wish: Although it has only been a little over a month since the release of the island paradise, there are already the first wishes from the players for the future of the content. One of the biggest of these, according to Yoshida, is the personalization of the island.

The individual islands currently differ minimally from one another, for example in the arrangement and quantity of the various buildings or in the animals that the players keep on their island.

Here, however, there is a desire for more uniqueness, such as with the housing, which the players can design completely freely and creatively.

There is feedback from players that they want to make the island paradise more free, so that their individual island stands out. We knew this would happen, but it’s very difficult to implement.

We are currently trying to allow players to place their housing items for the garden on the island as well. We don’t have a release date for this feature yet, but we’re trying.

Naoki Yoshida in the developer stream

Yoshida has emphasized in the past that island paradise is not the same as housing, which is in high demand and constantly in short supply in FFXIV. Therefore, players should not expect the same features to be available on the island.

The island content will be further expanded with upcoming patches. Yoshida has already said that the team is working on new areas to create more space for buildings. Completely new types of buildings are also in development (via fanbytes).

The fans of the island can look forward to new content.

Patch 6.25 will be released on October 18th

This is coming up in the near future: The next update of the MMORPG is just around the corner, even if it will be a bit smaller than the big main updates. Patch 6.25 will go online as early as October 18th and will primarily bring the now traditional “Relic” weapons.

These are weapons that are constantly improved over the course of the addon and ultimately become the most powerful weapons in the game for a short time (at least until the release of the next addon).

They are usually accompanied by a quest line that has its own story, and in Endwalker it ties into the popular character Hildibrand Manderville. But although it is celebrated by large parts of the community, some of the players were not happy with this decision.

In order to unlock the quest for the new weapons, you have to play through the entire quest chain from Hildibrand starting with the base game “A Realm Reborn”.

When we create new weapon upgrade content, the first step is to set the rules for how the upgrade will work. Having worked on weapon upgrades like this a number of times in the past, we’ve found that players prefer their weapon upgrades to be story-driven rather than heavily tied to game content.

As a result, Hildibrand was chosen. I also feel like a fun upgrade quest will bring a whole new experience (laughs).

Naoki Yoshida to MeinMMO

This is in the distant future: After 6.25, FFXIV players can expect a small 6.28 patch and then it’s on to the next big content update with number 6.3. If the development team continues to stick to their release schedule, it should come out in December.

While the exact content of this is still unknown, players can expect the continuation of FFXIV’s main story centered around the new character, Zero.

Since Zero is a new character, we are very relieved to see that she is very popular with the community. Her story is just beginning, and her development and past will be told in upcoming patches.

Naoki Yoshida to MeinMMO.

Apart from that, players can expect the next part of the 24-man raid, new dungeons, trials and other content.

Yoshida also announced that in 2023 and 2024 the FFXIV Fan Festivals will take place physically again. There the 10th anniversary of the reboot “A Realm Reborn” is celebrated.

What do you think of the island paradise so far? Would you like more freedom in the design or is it good the way it is?

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