Star Citizen leak shows 9 minutes of Squadron 42 gameplay – and fuels anticipation and frustration in equal parts

Star Citizen leak shows 9 minutes of Squadron 42 gameplay - and fuels anticipation and frustration in equal parts

I don’t mean to imply anything against colleague Benjamin, but the fact that Star Citizens and Squadron 42’s nine minutes of gameplay leaked shortly after his ‘sad anniversary’ article is an interesting coincidence. I’m not even sure that the somewhat aimlessly edited and context-free internal footage is any consolation, but here it is.

Unfortunately, the video, which is said to be from an internal evaluation “from last year”, does not have any sound effects, only a generic horn score is above it.

Extensive tracking shots through the game universe at the beginning, giving the world of Star Citizen a dark texture. Later there are some moving images of performance captures by the likes of Mark Hamill, Henry Cavill and Gary Oldman and a shooter sequence through the wreckage of a spaceship or station. It all looks very snazzy. Even the faces are quite alive.

There is an extended space battle at the end that actually looks fantastic and makes you want to play the game. It is truly an insane spectacle what is happening there. And as an old Wing Commander fan, the carrier ships based on the Tiger’s Claw design really pick me up.

So far from the stars

The catch, of course, is that such leaked internal material doesn’t bring us any closer to the actual game either. CIG spoke in January of “another year or two” Development and at a recent recent Bar Citizen event in Korea, Squadron 42 Director Erin Roberts is said to be from two years to completion have spoken. This has not yet been confirmed. However, the developer has not yet denied it.

The Star Citizen issue has been a sore point for many, including myself, since I don’t know when I put $120 into the project. At the same time, I’ve already had some really glorious moments and a-ha moments in PTU Alpha that clearly demonstrate the power of this project. It’s not hard to see why so many people still hold such a strong belief in it.

In the meantime, the supporters of the project have invested half a billion dollars.