Elden Ring will have ray tracing very soon according to leak

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The Elden Ring ray tracing setting is still missing, despite developer FromSoftware promising to offer this graphics feature for some time now.

However, it looks like the latest patch for the RPG could be laying the groundwork for it to get even prettier if you have the right hardware.

While there is no official mention of Elden Ring’s ray tracing settings in the 1.07 update, a dataminer known as Lance McDonald claims to have found references buried in the game’s code. McDonald says they have discovered “menu strings related to ray tracing functions” and posts screenshots of their findings.

With the screenshots there is some text that will likely appear in the Elden Ring options menu once ray tracing is enabled, stating that turning on the graphics feature will “lock down performance settings to prioritize quality”. It’s not clear what this means at this time, but you probably need to use the game’s ‘High’ or ‘Maximum’ preset.

You don’t need the best graphics card on the market these days to enjoy the ray tracing setup, but we imagine that the Elden Ring system requirements may change following the addition of this feature.

Elden Ring It is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One and PC. You can read our review at this link.
