Bayonetta 3 Showcases Puzzles, Platforms, And Combat Challenge In New Video

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A new trailer was recently released showing off one of the new characters from Bayonetta 3 of platinumgames, novice witch Viola. Several previews have since surfaced to provide more, but Game Informer’s video is noteworthy for showing off some of the puzzles and a combat challenge.

The puzzles have Bayonetta defeating an enemy and accessing spatial manipulation, rewinding time to provide a path to cross. Interestingly, he reverts to the teenage Cherry in this field, which limits his powers (and apparently only allows platforming). The combat challenge, unsurprisingly, involves defeating all enemies within the time limit.

Jeanne helps Bayonetta in this fight, although the heavy weapon she wields is quite strong. Demon Masquerade also does some serious work, allowing the player to dash towards enemies.

Bayonetta 3 It will be out on October 28 for Nintendo Switch. You can see the trailer below.