WoW: Dragonflight: Pre-Patch mixes up Mythic-Plus meta

WoW: Dragonflight: Mythic+ timers give insight into the "length" the dungeons (1)

The pre-patch for WoW: Dragonflight is currently running on the live servers and has messed up the class balance properly. Whereby the word “balance” is clearly exaggerated here. Seldom are the differences within the classes as significant as during the pre-patch. This is hardly surprising. The developers are aligning the balancing of the gameplay primarily with the endgame and thus with the maximum level of 70 coming in Dragonflight. In addition, during the pre-patch, some mechanics are already switched off, while others are still working.

For the few weeks of the pre-patch, however, weaker balancing is accepted, which most players grudgingly accept. A look at the logs shows how the balancing is currently going. Or look at the animal lists. The website Subcreation creates such lists using a rather complicated formulaby analyzing thousands of logs from high-tier Mythic-Plus dungeons, filtering out which playstyles are used at what tiers, and how well they perform there.