Stress with girlfriend Lola after unpleasant saying on Twitch

Ban on dancing and Lola together in the twitch stream from the camper van fair.

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Of: Josh Grossman

Ban on dancing: stress with girlfriend Lola after an unpleasant saying on Twitch © Twitch: Ban on dancing

Tanzban and quiteLola are a heart and soul. However, there is an awkward silence on Twitch after the streamer brings an inappropriate saying.

Berlin – For months, Kilian “Tanzban” Heinrichs and the streamer Lola have been seen together more and more often on Twitch. Officially, the two are not together, but the sight of the two streamers suggests the opposite. Now, however, a big argument looms after Tanzverbot finds an insensitive answer to the question of how he was able to convince Lola. There is an awkward silence on the stream and friend Lola seems close to tears. presents the saying “ban on dancing” brings tears to his girlfriend’s eyes and how the fans react.

Tanzban and Lola have been appearing together in a number of streams since around mid-2022. Whether on holiday in Amsterdam, visiting the mobile home fair or armed with make-up for Halloween. For many fans, the relationship between the two Twitch streamers may not last long. Was the saying ‘ban on dancing’ too much now?

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