Midnight Suns: New short film tells the backstory of the antagonist

World of Heroes: Niantic Announces New "Pokémon Go"-Style Marvel AR Game

from Matthias Brueckle
The upcoming tactical role-playing game Marvel’s Midnight Suns is based on a dark story about icons of the Marvel world against the forces of darkness under the demon ruler Lilith. A gripping animated film now shows the tragic background story of the antagonist.

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns we slip into the role of the so-called “Hunter”. This brand new Marvel hero can be styled and crafted to our liking. In the course of the game, Hunter gathers various icons of comic history around him to save the world from destruction – a typical working day for Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine & Co.! In the turn-based tactical role-playing game from the XCOM creators at Firaxis, your heroes will have to deal with demonic adversaries as well as Hydra soldiers and corrupted figures such as Venom, Sabretooth and the Hulk. They are led by Lilith, the “mother of all demons” – and also Hunter’s mother.

More on Midnight Suns: Deadpool joins as DLC – along with other comic icons!

Short film about Lilith in Marvel’s Midnight Suns

In the official Marvel’s Midnight Suns short film (buy now €69.99 ) but you will find out how it came about that Lilith has become a monstrous horror figure who wants to summon her master Chthon and thus bring about the end of the world. Because initially their goals were still noble – more precisely in Salem in the 16th century, when Lilith was still fighting together with “Caretaker” as witches for a better world. But a mother’s love can push any hero to the limit…
