WoW: Dragonflight: Play PvP with the developers! Focus test on Friday night

WoW beta testers say: BfA raids at Dragonflight start difficult to do solo (1)

The features and systems of WoW: Dragonflight have long been at a level that the developers are quite happy with. In the past few weeks there have only been marginal gameplay adjustments to the upcoming content. Instead, the developers focused primarily on balancing. There the focus was first (and still is) on the class talent trees and then the balancing of the Mythic Plus dungeons began.

There, however, one seems to be approaching a level with which the Blizzard developers are reasonably satisfied. So the focus is now shifting to PvP. Of course, in order to achieve proper balancing here, you primarily need a large amount of data. And there in the beta of WoW (buy now ): Dragonflight doesn’t seem to be played enough PvP, the developers now invite you to a focus test.