Star Citizen is free to play until November 30

New Star Citizen video shows us the new lighting system GamersRD

The controversial game Star Citizen is free from now until the end of the month, specifically until November 30.

As part of the annual in-game Intergalactic Aerospace Exhibition (IAE), players can “free test drive” over 120 ships, including the Drake Corsair, which supports a crew of up to four players and features living quarters and “heavy armaments.”

Players will be able toexplore the digital event as you would any convention, from strolling through fully interactive exhibit halls and seeing the latest ships on display each day in incredible detail, to meeting friends to explore and engaging in exciting activities, or chance encounters with strangers who start new friendships.

“Get ready for the biggest and best Whitley’s Guide IAE special you’ll ever see!” developer Cloud Imperium Games comments. “It’s going to be packed with exclusive looks, new vehicles, a special appearance from Drake CEO Anden Arden, and much more. This year we will not leave anything out. Do not miss it!”

Drake Interplanetary, Anvil Aerospace, and Roberts Space Industries will also reveal new vehicles throughout IAE 2952 “as they hit the show floor,” while starting November 27, players can “Look forward to the rewards from this year’s Ship Showdown competition.”

The last four, The Carrack, Mercury, C8X Pisces Expedition and Scorpius, “they will also receive limited edition paint options”as well as limited time maker challenge coins.