Twitch streamer impresses with his enormous expert knowledge in WoW, says: “It’s obvious”

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Twitch streamer Asmongold is considered a real WoW nerd. In a new live stream, however, he has impressed many viewers with his knowledge. Because he plays the WoW version of Geoguessr and hits the correct area every time, often even precisely.

What was that game? Geoguessr is about recognizing where you are on earth based on images of an environment. This is easily possible thanks to modern recording techniques such as Google Streetview.

Now fans have built a WoW version of it. And this offers over 100,000 different locations in all areas of Azeroth.

What was so impressive about Asmongold’s performance? The Twitch streamer looked at an image and within seconds knew what area they were in. He also forfeited the ability to move in different directions, just betting on the one screenshot he got.

Although he didn’t always hit the exact spot where the screenshot was taken, he was always in the correct area for all 15 attempts.

Asmongold repeatedly says phrases like “that’s obvious” or “we all know where that is” in the video. Apparently, many viewers didn’t know that, because in the chat or in the comments on YouTube, they were impressed by the streamer’s knowledge.

You can watch the video of the round here:

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Praise for Asmongold, but also for the game designers

How do viewers react? They’re really excited. In the live chat, users wrote, for example, “he’s a WoW god” or “the 18 years of WoW are finally worth it” and surprised emotes were posted again and again. Some joke that Asmongold knows more about WoW than his immediate neighborhood.

There is also credit for Asmongold in the comments on YouTube, but much more for the game designers. Because they managed to create a world that will be remembered:

  • Leinoni Bishop writes, “Kudos to the game designers for creating such an immersive world that we can look at the sky, the color of the sand, or a rock along a path and know exactly where it is on the vast world map .”
  • Michael Thomas is also enthusiastic: “When I see this game, I have to think about what a great job Blizzard has done over the years to create unique areas. I can’t name any exact points, but I almost always know the areas.”

What defines Asmongold? Asmongold is a well-known MMORPG streamer and has even received an award for it. He mainly plays WoW, but has also been trying out other MMORPGs for a number of years, including Final Fantasy XIV and Black Desert.

The streamer repeatedly criticizes WoW and explains what he would do differently. For example, he praised the raids in Lost Ark and described them in WoW as a “waste of time”. Despite this, he still has a very close relationship with World of Warcraft, as the video attached here shows.